The quote “That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” Highlights one of the key themes in the novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. To me, this means that everything that happens in life, builds your purpose in living. For example, The Blue Man, the first person Eddie met in heaven, had started to practice driving. Although this was when Eddie was a kid, he was playing in the road, and the Blue Man died of anxiety because he nearly ran over young Eddie. We are all connected because, believe it or not, the environment that we are raised and active in has a big effect on our future. Think about this, if you were raised as a spoiled child, and relied on others to constantly do things for you, you are likely to act entitled as an adult. This would lead to little success in your career and others will see you as immature. You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate the breeze from the wind follows up on the meanings of the last two parts of the quote. To me it means that in the end, people you were close to, mostly form the decisions in which you reflect on later.